Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Do you know a chain reaction is? It is a reaction like the one in the first video. I saw it in the NEMO center in Amsterdam. The chain reaction, in the end, launched the rocket. If it has a useful purpose, than it is called a Rube Goldberg Machine. It got that name from a cartoonist who drew complicated contraptions that performed simple tasks. In the UK they call a Heath Robinson machine, because another cartoonist named Heath Roninson drew wacky machines too. The second video shows my favorite Rube Goldberg machine:
Battleship Game Made With Computer Programming!
Battleship Game Made With Coding!
Last Friday, I went to Amsterdam with my Mom, Dad, and sister. It was so much fun. They have these good desserts called stroop wafels. They are so good!!
Mmmmm…Yummy! |
Stroop wafels are 2 mini waffles stacked on to each other with caramel filling in the middle. I went to the Vertez Museum, the Rijks Museum, the Nemo Science Center, and the Maritime Museum. The Maritime Museum had a replica of a ship owned by the Dutch East India Company. It had cannons that made a loud noise. All of the museums I mentioned are fun! In Amsterdam, there are nearly as many bikes as people! And there are 600,000 people in Amsterdam! And Amsterdam has lots of canals. They are 3 meters deep. 1 meter mud, another meter water, and 1 more meter bikes. People throw a lot of bikes in the water, I guess.
Computer Coding
Computer Coding
I have learned….
By now I have learned lots of computer coding. I know JavaScript,CSS,HTML5, and I’m learning Python.
No, not binary.
With JS, you can make games like this:
var troll = prompt(“You’re walking through the forest, minding your own business, and you run into a troll! Do you FIGHT him, PAY him, or RUN?”).toUpperCase();
switch(troll) {
case ‘FIGHT’:
var strong = prompt(“How courageous! Are you strong (YES or NO)?”).toUpperCase();
var smart = prompt(“Are you smart?”).toUpperCase();
if(strong === ‘YES’ || smart === ‘YES’) {
console.log(“You only need one of the two! You beat the troll–nice work!”);
} else {
console.log(“You’re not strong OR smart? Well, if you were smarter, you probably wouldn’t have tried to fight a troll. You lose!”);
case ‘PAY’:
var money = prompt(“All right, we’ll pay the troll. Do you have any money (YES or NO)?”).toUpperCase();
var dollars = prompt(“Is your money in Troll Dollars?”).toUpperCase();
if(money === ‘YES’ && dollars === ‘YES’) {
console.log(“Great! You pay the troll and continue on your merry way.”);
} else {
console.log(“Dang! This troll only takes Troll Dollars. You get whomped!”);
case ‘RUN’:
var fast = prompt(“Let’s book it! Are you fast (YES or NO)?”).toUpperCase();
var headStart = prompt(“Did you get a head start?”).toUpperCase();
if(fast === ‘YES’ || headStart === ‘YES’) {
console.log(“You got away–barely! You live to stroll through the forest another day.”);
} else {
console.log(“You’re not fast and you didn’t get a head start? You never had a chance! The troll eats you.”);
console.log(“I didn’t understand your choice. Hit Run and try again, this time picking FIGHT, PAY, or RUN!”);
In that game, the player makes choices on how to deal with the troll.
With HTML5, you can make websites. That’s why I can make colors like this.
CSS is for styling the HTML5. Combine JS,CSS, and HTML5, and you can use jQuery, which is for animating your stuff.
Of course, other coding languages are useful too. With Python, you can make games like Battleship. But I only know basic, very basic things. I can’t make stuff like websites. When you press F12 on your keyboard, you see all the code for the site. But I only can understand a fraction of that.
I learned with Codeacedemy. Coding is really fun!
terrible failing bombing not that good at drawing on paper. Cartooning is a cool hobby, and I can print out my comics and give them out. Even better, I can staple them all into a comic book and give those out too. I’ve been making a newspaper for the house, and my comics would be good for the funnies section. And reading comics online can give you good jokes if you’re a comedian. Start cartooning, before you know it your comics could be in the newspaper! One of mine is at the top.
Life in London
Life in London
After a long hiatus, I resume blogging!
Since you last saw me, I grew taller, got an exercise routine, and learned a bit of computer coding!
But back to the subject of London….
There are three museums that I could walk to. They are the Science Museum,V&A Museum, and the Natural History Museum.
I was excited because I was begging my mom to take me to London, but my requests all flipped flopped failed miserably bombed came a wee bit short. But now I’m in London and I get to go to other countries while I’m in Europe.
Getting around is really fun, you can take a bus or the Tube.There is this useful site called Citymapper that helps you find out the way to your destination.
The museums here are so much fun, parks are cool, and the people here use common sense calling soccer “football”!
I also have a new hobby, cartooning online!
I’ve learned how to computer code, and it is really fun. I learned with Codeacedemy.
Top 5 Vacation Countries
1.Italy for art and historical sites and beutiful scenery and great food. 2.Spain for art and historical sites and beutiful scenery and great food and bullfights. 3.France beautiful scenery and great food and good language. 4.Australia because of the adventure. 5.USA beacause of the theme parks (Ohio,Florida,etc.). Tell me what you think! My grandma helped me with this. You also should consider England. There is a country so small you can walk across it in less than a hour. Russia is bigger than all of Australia combined!
If I were Dictator of America…
The first thing I would do is I make my own castle that nobody could enter without my permission. Kids wouldn’t have to ask, unless they are up to no good.
The second thing I would do is close all of the schools except for colleges. Nobody would be allowed to do any schoolwork without my permission. Grown-ups would work all day and the kids would just stay home and play video games all day. Or, they could do school work if they want too.
The third thing I would do is give money and good jobs to the poor. If they don’t want to work they have to go to another country.
The fourth thing I would do is lower all taxes to zero. This way, people from everywhere would move here.
The fifth thing I would do is make a satellite that will make the world look like Minecraft.
I would make flying cars. I would make transportation portals everywhere. The portals would be used for getting around. You would go into the portal, then you would go in between space to take you to your stop. It is like another dimension!
I would make a super hero machine. And anyone caught breaking the law will go to jail.
But of course how to do all that….