My Vacation
Last Saturday we went to Kalahari Resorts in Ohio.
I went with my sister, my dad, and my mom.
There was an indoor water park, an arcade, mini golf (but we didn’t do that), etc.
We stayed for 5 days.
There was also a homeschool thing, there was events like a Pokemon funshop, a nerf war funshop, a warhammer funshop, a kids marketplace, a Dungeon and Dragons class, a talent show, and a carnival.
I had lot of fun.
Book Club
Yesterday I had my first book club meeting at the library.
There were 6 kids.
We read Amber on the Mountain by Tony Johnston and we did a craft based on the book. Next week we are reading The Lorax
and Brother Eagle, Sister Sky.
I had a really fun time.
This Software is used to make entertainment,games,etc.
It is called Scratch and it’s free!
My first Scratch project is called crazy dance.
But I didn’t put any projects on the site yet!
There are 8 blocks: Motion, Looks, Sound, Pen, Control, Sensing, Operators, and Variables.
Motion is exactly what you think – moving.
Looks is how you look, talk, hide and show.
Sound is just sound.
Pen controls the sprite’s pen.
Control is the first place you need to go, and if you get the software you’ll see why.
Sensing is all the sensors for the sprite.
Operators helps with motion, looks, etc.
Variables have 2 parts: a variable and a list, though I don’t get neither of them.
If you right-click a block you will see a help tab.
Thats pretty much about it in Scratch!
New Chess
These are the things I have learned in Chess:
- Skewering
- Castling Queen-side & King-side
- Forking (check and regular)
- The four-move checkmate
- En Passant
- Discovered Attacks
- Pinning
- The values of the pieces
A chess game is divided into 3 parts: the opening, the middlegame, and the endgame.
In the opening, it’s important to castle quickly and to develop your pieces. Castling defends the king and allows the rooks to work together later on. Knights are important in the opening because they can hop over pieces on a crowded board. The most important thing is to control the middle of the board.
In the middlegame the bishops become more important.
In the endgame the rooks are very important and even a pawn if it’s passed.
Queens are always important, BUT if she comes out too early your opponent can harass her all over the board while developing their pieces.
Frogs and Turtles
Yesterday I went to a science class on frogs and turtles with homeschooled kids.
It was 40 miles away it was really fun and interesting.
Here’s a fact about turtles – a turtle’s shell is like the brain of a turtle, so if the shell is cracked the turtle will die.
Here’s a fact about frogs – frogs will cover themselves with all sorts of stuff(slime, pollutants,etc) to protect themselves from predators.
I saw a dead snapping turtle and a live turtle.
I heard 1 frog: a Spring Peeper.
Snap Circuts
As I said in the video, it is made of Snap Circuits.
I made it from the Snap Circuits Jr. and the green upgrade kit
Some of the other fun projects you can make with the sets are:
Pressure Alarm
Laser Gun
Motion Detector
Lacrosse Lessons
On Saturdays I go lacrosse.
I need to wear: a helmet, a mouthpiece, gloves, elbow pads, shoulder pads, and cleats.
We do drills, practice catching, scooping, running, and throwing.
To throw accurately, you point the end of your stick at the target then push the top of the stick up straight up and over.
It’s great exercise because I’m always tired and dirty at the end.
Imaginary Numbers
Yesterday I learned about i. We use it to describe imaginary numbers. This is the definition of i: i = √ -1 Now if that is true, then the following is true: i2 =i· i = -1 i3 = i2 · i = –i i4 = i3 · i = 1 i5 = i4 · i = i i6 = i4 · i2 = -1 i7 = i4 · i3 = i3 = –i i8 = i4 · i4 = 1 i9 = i8 · i = i i10 = i8 · i2 = -1 As you can see, every 4th power of i = 1. So you can just divide i‘s exponent by 4 and the remainder will tell you the answer {1,i,-1,or –i}.
These are the questions I did yesterday. A complex number has two parts – a real part and an imaginary part. For example: 3 + 6i I’ll write another post on them later.
Stream Eroison
Last week I went to a class on Stream Erosion.
What they used is called a stream table. It was a slanted table full of sand with a faucet on the top.
There was 2 types of streams: the young stream and an older stream. The difference is the older one has been carved out a little by water.
Stream erosion is when water overflows a stream, the faster parts carry the boulders and the cobbles and the slower water carries the pebbles, sand, silt, and clay.
And this how a stream in the real world takes shape.
Look how small clay is, I bet you didn’t know that!