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Weekend Getaway

This weekend we went to Southampton which is 70 miles away from our house.

I saw some of my friends who were also there for the weekend.

I went swimming in my grandmother’s pool and my mom started teaching me the backstroke.

It was my mom’s birthday and we went to a Mexican restaurant to celebrate. She also went to a very expensive yoga class!

I went to the local farm and saw several animals.

I went with my mom, my dad, and my sister.

I also started reading a new series called Edgar and Ellen.

I played a new board game with my mom and my sister – Clue: The Great Museum Caper.

By | July 18th, 2011|fun, swimming, vacation|0 Comments

Swimming Like A Fish

This summer I learned to swim!

I can jump off the diving board in the Southampton pool↑!

First I swam the width of the pool.

But now I can jump off the diving board and swim the entire length!

The key to swimming is to close your mouth and use your arms and legs to float.

By | August 22nd, 2010|swimming|0 Comments